Jan 4, 2008

New Year

The year started with a bang, or at least with one of my friends crouched over the toilet. I'm not much into New Year's resolutions. I don't know why but they just never seem to get done. But this New Year what I want is very simple: to do whatever is in my power to make myself happy because one day I'm going to have everything I want. I would rather start now than some years down the line. I do think it's possible for people to have all that they want and need. I just think that a lot of people have illusions of what they think they really want and need. It's important to know the difference between the two. For me, what I want most and need most is a home. A place where I can paint the walls, filled with love, friends, animals. A place that is a sanctuary for me and for the ones I love. And I know that every step I take is in that direction, I'd just rather go the quick route. So this year I'm going to get my life more on track, which of course means more updates because writing makes me happy.

Do you have any New Year's resolutions? Or lifelong goals?


Devil Mood said...

I think a home is a great starting point. Everyone needs to feel secure and comfortable in a place they can call their own, above all feel their own.

You're on the right track and you know why? Because you're optimistic and you seem determined as well.
lol @ that strip!

Tumblewords: said...

Sounds like a good goal to me! Optimism is a terrific asset, too. Happy New Year to you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Love the strip! All the very best for your goals - you'll do it! 2008 for me means 'Purging' ... making way for quality instead of quantity!!!

Shari said...

Thanks for the encouraging comments you left on my post. You seem older than 19. My comment is about - "to do whatever is in my power" This is a very mature way of thinking. There are so many opportunities out there waiting to be seized. Unfortunately, many people wait for them to fall into their lap. Or, they blame their bad circumstances or other people for why they can't get to where they want to be. Yes. I have been guilty of doing this from time to time. You sound like you are very optimistic, enthusiastic and believe in your abilities. Don't let other people or the bad times in life talk you out of it.

Kris Rollins said...

A home is an amazing thing. I've called many places my home, and the only way I know it's home is when I feel like I can, and should, touch everything. So you need to get a house full of cool stuff for me to run my fingers over.

Especially animals!

And yes, I have the same resolution as every year. To do more good, and to be a better person.

Forgetfulone said...

You sound determined and ready to rise to any challenge. Best wishes to you in the new year.

Beau Brackish said...

Writing more sounds like a wonderful resolution to make for yourself. In fact, I can think of few better ones to make.

Unknown said...

Writing more is one of my goals as such I just joined Sunday Scribblings this week.
Good luck with your goals.

Unknown said...

Your description of a 'home' really resonates with me. Even though I have a home, in name, I do not feel it is at all a 'home' in the emotional sense.

We'll both find it eventually and I believe you have the drive to make your dreams a reality.

little wing writer said...

i so heartedly agree...there is no place like home to hang your heart and a corner for your writing desk...thank you

thorns said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful goal! I love your description of a home! Best of Luck in the New Year!